Our Process

At Emerald Coast Coatings, we follow a detailed, meticulous process for each piece to which we apply powder coating. While the specifics of this process vary depending on whether the project involves steel or aluminum, what doesn’t vary is our commitment to excellence and the care that we take with each piece.

The process for steel projects:

We start with cleaning the old or new piece off, either by sand blasting or chemical stripping, based on the project. We then wash the piece thoroughly with a de-greaser, and prime and coat with the desired paint color. Steel parts are baked to the recommended temperature for each powder.

The process for aluminum projects:

If it’s new aluminum, we use a de-greaser to thoroughly clean the part. We then chemically etch it, seal rinse, and coat it with the desired paint color. Aluminum parts are baked to the recommended temperature for each powder.